Nomenclature Problems: Name to Structure

In these problems you will be asked to draw the structures corresponding to compound names.

Tens of millions of organic compounds have already been studied, and the number of possible structures is infinite, so a very sophisticated system is needed for naming them.   The most widely used system is that formulated by the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry, usually called the IUPAC system.   Although software is increasingly used for chemical nomenclature, it is still important that chemists be able to understand IUPAC names.

Learning Objectives:

  • Draw the structures of moderately complex organic molecules from the IUPAC name.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of organic nomenclature.

How To Use This Page

1.   Choose one or more families of compounds, and set the desired dfficulty level, using the controls on the left below, and then click the "Get Problem" button.

2.   The problem will be shown above the molecule drawing window.   Draw the structure in the window and click the "Check Structure" button.   Feedback will be provided.

3.   If the structure is not correct, study the feedback and consult the relevant Help pages if you wish, then modify the structure and and click on the "Check Structure" button again.

Get problems below to test your ability to draw the structures corresponding to systematic names.

Problem settings

1.  Select compound type(s)

Select one or more types of families of compounds by clicking the checkboxes below.

2.  Set problem difficulty

Select the level of difficulty of the initial problems.



Select the compound type(s) and the initial problem difficulty level from the options on the left, and then click the "Get Problem" button.

When the problem is displayed, further instructions will be provided here.

Guide to drawing structures in the molecular editor

JSME: Bruno Bienfait and Peter Ertl, JSME: a free molecule editor in JavaScript, Journal of Cheminformatics 5:24 (2013).


Feedback on your solutions will be provided here.

JSmol 3D structure viewer (Help)

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