
I am very grateful for support from UCD School of Chemistry that makes it possible to publish ChemInteractive.

I am very grateful too to colleagues and students in the UCD School of Chemistry that helped in the testing and development of this site.

I am an amateur developer, with minimal coding skills, and this site is heavily reliant on several superb JavaScript apps that enable users to draw structures and mechanisms, and allow the ChemInteractive scripts to retrieve and interact with the input.

  • ChemDoodle Web Components: a chemical graphics and cheminformatics library is produced by iChemLabs
  • JSmol: an open-source HTML5 viewer for chemical structures in 3D; principal developer Bob Hanson.
  • JSME: for drawing and editing of molecules and reactions, see Bruno Bienfait and Peter Ertl, JSME: a free molecule editor in JavaScript, Journal of Cheminformatics 5:24 (2013)

A number of other technologies are integral to the ChemInteractive pages.

  • Round slider is used to create the 'mastery' level gauges in the problem pages.
  • 'Pure' is a set of small, responsive CSS modules, used extensively in ChemInteractive.
  • Fonts from Google Fonts and icons from Boxicons and Font Awesome are used in this site.
  • Some of the functionality in Cheminteractive relies on code packages from CodeShack.
  • The navigation bar is a responsive menu system created by Muhammad Fadzrin Madu.


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